Daniel Mowitz

Welcome to my homepage!

Graphics design is my passion

The background was created in blender. Here are two interesting links that I found while working on it:

Maybe I will do a little write-up of the project some day.

CSS gallery

In lieu of other content for my website, I compiled a gallery of CSS backgrounds that I created while doing the visuals.


This is where I link to my collections of links.

About me

Hi! Im Daniel Mowitz (which is pronounced as: [ˈdɑnjəl mʊwɪts]). I live in Germany and currently study physics and occasionally write some code. Additionally, I dabble in philosophy, music, ham radio (my callsign is DK5MD) and whatever else interests me from day to day. I really enjoy riding my bike. I am a white, cis man and use he/him/his pronouns. Here is a picture of me: Portrait of a rather handsome fellow with long brown, flowing hair sitting in the sun. He squints his eyes and looks to the left. He wears a 'Dark Side Of The Moon' T-shirt with batik patterns on the arms. The image is somewhat grainy and was taken with a telescope whose focal length is 650mm. If you want to reach me, just send an email to web.daniel@mowitz.rocks. If you so wish, you can use my PGP key to encrypt our conversations. You can also find me on Mastodon.

I may or may not roam around the internet using names that are not “Daniel Mowitz”. You may believe that you know me by one of these names. If that is the case, I kindly ask you to assume that that’s not me. If someone not using the name “Daniel Mowitz” linked you here, appreciate the time it must have taken them to find my homepage and thank them for sharing it with you.

Technological background

Text: 'Powered by Linux'. Xenia, an antropomorphic fox leans casually on the 'x' and points toward it.

This website is hosted on 100% linux servers. The above image of Xenia was created by Extinct Inks (@extinct@nitecrew.rip). The lettering of the word “Linux” was created by Matthew Ericson, additional text was added by Daniel Mowitz. It is released under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

Text: 'Created & maintained using GNU and other Free software tools'. A floating gnu meditating in front of a computer is next to the text on the right.

All tools used in the production and maintenance of this website are available under a Free license. The drawing is Copyright © 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. It is released under under the GNU General Public License, version 3. Text added by Daniel Mowitz.

Text: 'This website is perpetually under construction'. An oldscool german construction sign with a silhouette of a construction worker shoveling from some pile sits in the bottom left corner. The sign is a little crooked.

This website is (as I’d like to believe obviously) inspired by the self-made homepages of the 90s and early 2000s. This “under construction” sign is a nod to an attitude of acknowledment that a website, like most things, is never properly finished that got lost somewhere along the way. The photograph and added text are by Daniel Mowitz. It is released under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.